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Rare Earth Metals Market
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- Lanthanoids
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- Rare Earth Uses
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- Metals
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- The 69 Critical Metals
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Despite increasing metal production over the last 50 years, metals reserves have remained largely unchanged.
Classification of Metals
Source: Kernot, 2006
- Ferrous metals are defined as metals that contain Iron and are magnetic.
- Non Ferrous Metals are broken down into three basic categories, precious metals, base metals and minor metals.
- Precious metals are relatively rare and are widely traded and are thought of as secure havens in times of war and financial crisis.
- The base metals have a wide range of applications throughout industry and are commonly referred to as industrial metals.
- The minor metals are produced very often both as by-products of the extraction of the major metals or are required for specific applications and are therefore produced sometimes in small quantities from primary deposits.
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Rare Earth Metals Market
- Rare Earth Metals
- Lanthanoids
- Milestones in the History of Rare Earths and Recent Events
- Rare Earths Discovery & Current Uses
- Rare Earth Uses
- Metals & Critical Metals
- Metals
- List of All Metal Categories
- Rare Metals
- Technology Metals
- Critical Metals
- The 69 Critical Metals
- Critical Metals Risk Lists
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- Value per Tonne
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